Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Getting Started With Camera Lens Filters

If you are just beginning in digital SLR photography, think about all the ancillary items that need to be unsettling. Between the lenses, cases, batteries, and hot shoe, it's no wonder most people enrolled in a course or how to get the book to understand the basics. One item that almost all professionals carry with them a relatively inexpensive and a series of lens filters. Lens filters improve contrast, sharpness, color and intensity of the captured image. There are also special effect lenses that allow photographers unprecedented control over image on the site of capture.

Many of the more common lens filters such as UV / haze, polarizing, neutral density and heating / cooling or color filters are key to capture an accurate picture in various lighting conditions. Knowing when to use them is the real trick, and something that comes with time and experience.

UV filters have a primary purpose of reducing UV light from entering the lens, but because they are so common and inexpensive, and their small effect on the illumination images of people choose to use them as filters for the safety of the lens. Security filters are primarily designed to protect your expensive lens from scratches and damage, because they would much rather replace the $ 10 lens filter lens from $ 300.

polarized lenses allow only light to enter a particular direction, which reduces the amount of available light, but increases the saturation of the image as a result. They are especially effective when used on the landscape scenery remove glare from water and increase contrast, natural settings.

neutral density filter reduces the total light so that the opening May increased to a very bright light settings, which makes the reduced depth of field possible. Benefits include the capture of water facilities such as rivers, so that the water looks more smooth and ND filters also provide some level of blur for moving subjects. Sharpness is usually increased with these filters, as well as particularly useful for shooting stones beneath the riverbed.

There are many graduated filters are available that provide different levels of opacity images. These filters will be used like that in high-light scenes, you can choose a transparent-to-opaque appearance adjust filter.

Colored filters provide a total shift of color images and can often result in an artistic look that can not be replicated easily in post settings. By filtering the light source, there are benefits to medium color range compared to traditional leveling techniques. White balance can also be adjusted using a specialized filter to adapt to the demands of the current scene.

a result of using any filter at the end of the photo will be as varied as the styles of photographers taking photos. Choosing the right filter is as individualistic, and depending on the conditions as to frame a shot properly. Knowledge of the correct filters to use to achieve a certain look is something that comes with experience, and buy a lens filter to start practicing!


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