Friday, May 20, 2011

Travel Photography Basics - Easy Tips For Taking Your Best Travel Photos

First, take a deep breath. Excellent - I am going to give you good news. Photo basics are just that - basic. You could spend months in photography class. Or book a dozen studies on the technique. But there's no need. With a good camera, a few photos of early advice will be well on your way to getting travel photos that will be proud to show off.

Ready? Here we go.


~ Buy a good camera This is really where you get what you pay for - in spades. Digital technology has evolved so fast, high quality, high pixel camera can easily be found for under $ 200. If you do not plan to print anything larger than 5 x 7, a camera with 6-8 megapixels will work just fine. I recommend one with some sort of image stabilization - it helps in the movement and extremely low light conditions, when you can not use flash. My camera also allows me to change the ISO or film speed. a huge deal for me because I had complete control over my grave, mostly manual Nikon. It will come in handy more often than you think, and it is easy to change on most cameras.

Take your time on this purchase. Do some research, go and play with the camera in the store with people who know their products, ask questions, look at the manual. If you do not like the way it is set up, you will not be comfortable using. Do not think I'll get used to what you are afraid - trust your instinct and move on. You have so many options with digital cameras there is no need for compromise.

~ Get to know your camera. Sit down with the manual, and spend some time getting to know all the features on your camera. The practice of turning the flash on and off, changing the ISO, the transfer function from one program to another. Go through the settings - if you want to date on all your photos? Flash or red eye option? Set your camera for everyday photo taking and then change the settings for that situation. I hold hands on the program, medium-high resolution, ISO 400 That's the way it is ready in an instant, I know what we were assigned, and can move quickly if necessary. Being able to do so, almost without thinking will come in handy - especially when you capture the unexpected, in a time of life


~ do not sweat the technical stuff. And there's loads of it in the photo. Aperture, shutter speed, the rule of thirds, depth of field, perspective - just let it go. There are a few rules that you absolutely must know to be a great shot. And you know, it leaves you free to just shoot.

~ Changing your point of view. literally. Kneel down, move outside the city, to move closer to u.. Now close - really fill the screen with your subject. Take a picture of bright stained glass, with the sun pouring through it. Or the jagged ruins of the arches popping against the incredible blue sky. Look up, look down, lay on your belly and see the view from there. I've climbed, indexing, relying, sprawled and I hunched in a odd place to get the perfect shot. Not only did I have gotten the picture I was hoping for, or even better than I hoped, my contortions are also conversation starter!

~ Take more than one shot. Do not be satisfied with their first photographs. Take a few from different angles. You will be pleasantly surprised with the results.

~ not edit immediately. You'll be tempted to get rid of photos that do not appeal to you at this time. Wait until after your trip, when you have time and distance really look at them. Delete out of focus or too dark pictures, but save the rest. They will look completely different at home on your computer screen. Trust me on this one. If you think you will not have enough space for all the images you plan to take, bring 2 or 3 memory cards. Even with the higher resolution quality, you'll be able to burn to your heart's content.

~ Bring a good quality lens cloth. Do not go for cheap chamois type, buy a camera store. Make your lenses when you turn on your camera, and on a regular basis, if you leave it on as you move. If it's windy, be diligent about checking or lenses often or off camera between photos. Not only will it keep out of their photos, it will keep dust from finding its way into the lens, where you can not do anything about it.

~ Enjoy! Do not spend your entire trip staring at the camera screen. There are times when you need to turn off your camera and enjoy the experience. Some sites force this on you, do not allow photography at all. Take, soak in the atmosphere, and buy some postcards or a little guide as a souvenir.

In addition to these tips, your imagination and sense of adventure, you will be well on your way to getting your best travel photos ever.


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