Wednesday, June 22, 2011

10 Things You Should Know About TOD (Transit Oriented Development)

as a light rail transit takes place throughout the country, developers are looking at opportunities for acquisition, design and build a profitable business to the public to find and desirable and practical. What are the best location for development near transit? Answer is Todd, and transit-oriented development. There are 4000 places across the U.S. that meet this definition. This is a scarce resource like waterfront property, and can provide great benefit to the public.

1 Commercial and residential districts of the cells. Tod (Transit-oriented development) refers to residential and business district located around the transit station or corridor, with high quality services, including pedestrian walkability, parking management and other valuable design features that together facilitate the use of transit and provide maximum overall availability.

2 Number of potential U.S. postaja.SAD currently has about 4,000 seats in the fixed guideway transit system, according to the Center for wool. All these cells are candidates for wool.

3 Measuring the length of the Toda of the station. Tod is often measured 5-10 minutes walking distance from the station to the border edge. This equates to about one fourth to one-half mile away.

4 Grouping of land use. Tod is more than shifting more car trips to public transport, although it's certainly not only, to increase the use of land through the grouping of businesses, services and housing. Also, non-motorized transportation improvements are positioned to maximize the availability and transportation options.

5 Tod is a rare and valuable resource. Tod is a rare and valuable resource, like oceanfront location. Real estate values ​​increase higher than the average for 5-15%. Practical reasons include cost and time savings auto use, parking and maintenance. Many see Tod improvements to be paid through higher income tax assets arising from a greater appreciation of the measures for wool traits.

6 Higher density, mixed use zoning. Zoning changes are imperative and of fundamental importance for the promotion of Todd in all areas of the station. It may be in the form of changes in the underlying zoning, the interim zoning until plans were prepared for the station area, or spatially overlapping areas. Physical components often include provision for mixed use, density bonuses, parking restrictions, reduced setbacks and pedestrian sadržajima.Zoniranje be adapted to respect the unique setting of individual stations.

7 Revitalize community centers and neighborhoods. Tod promotes more efficient use of existing land, infrastructure and services, and broadly supports the revitalization of community centers and neighborhoods by encouraging reuse and infill. It is worth the result creates a unique sense of 'place'.

8 Increasing job opportunities and business. More from companies and jobs in Todd, transit is recognized as a smart investment for the provision of access to jobs for low-income individuals, seniors and persons with disabilities, as well as a wide range of intercity travelers. Tod reinforces the role of transit and of certain groups in providing access to jobs by increasing opportunities for people to find housing and employment near transit stations.

9 Improved Transportation izbora.Glavni Toda goal is to provide a concentration of living, shopping, entertainment and employment opportunities within walking distance of transit stations so that people can easily use transit in the car. Tods include a variety of pedestrian and bicycle facilities to promote the benefits of alternative travel options and encourage shared parking opportunities.

10 The focus of development and mix of use. According to the Massachusetts Governor Patrick Administration Policy "Todd is a synonym for concentrated development to promote mixed uses and residential densities of at least 12-15 units per hectare. Tod policies to promote greater employment and population concentration, a mix of uses that encourage pedestrian activity during the daytime and evening hours. Todd encourages fill and redevelopment around the station area. Many transit stations along the system and the inner-city transit stations outside the Boston area are located in already developed areas are characterized by insufficient or abandoned sites and buildings. Todd offers a real opportunity to redevelop these properties in transit encourages the use, or to transform the abandoned site in a new, transit-oriented development ."


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