Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Digital Photography Tutorial - Looking At How To Photograph Wildlife

If you look on the shelves of any book or magazine you will find many shops that are dedicated to wildlife photography. Besides the countless books and magazines, there are thousands of web sites and blogs related to photographing wildlife and mastering techniques just to take pictures of animals.

This is one of the areas of digital photography, where the better equipment you have, the better the results. That said, it takes more than a long lens camera and quietly. It also requires much practice and a large amount of patience.

It does not matter whether you are taking pictures of birds of prey in your local woods or lions on the Serengeti plains, you will struggle to get good photos of wild animals, if you do not have interchangeable lens SLR. Shooting birds in mid flight is one of the most challenging things for a photographer for pokušaj.SLR makes it so much easier.

It is another matter, of course, if you want pictures of farm animals, or on an organized safari, where you can get close to animals and they are used to human presence. In cases like this, you are much more likely to have better success with a compact digital camera, especially if it's a decent zoom range.

zoos and wildlife parks is an ideal place for a bite of exotic animals.

Top Digital Photography Handbook Tip: Try to zoom in on the animals with a long end of your lens. If you use a long lens and wide aperture (small f-number) you will usually find that the limited depth of field makes the wire fence magically disappear.

Obviously, if you shoot between the bars, be careful not to take any risks and to keep a tight hold of your camera.

I have witnessed on several occasions mischievous monkeys grab the camera from the more eager snappers in Gibraltar, where they practically have the freedom to rock.


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