Thursday, June 2, 2011

Questions to Ask Yourself and Your Potential Wedding Photographer

The following is a list of questions and ideas to help you choose your photographer. It's something in order of importance, however, varies to some extent.

1 Quality

The most important thing to think about when choosing a photographer is quality. If you do not like the job, then there is no reason to go further. Quality involves many things. Do you work contains sharp images, correct exposure, blur-free content, proper coloring, and the best crop? Do you offer the best photo angle? Is their any variation in the shots? Do you have any pictures? Is the content of photographers picture style you like? This leads to another suggestion.

2 Style

It can be activated with the quality. However, this puts us more effort considering the subject of photography. Are the photos are genuine, they represent, or are they photojournalistic? There are generally two types of wedding photography. One of them is traditional, the other photojournalism. Trends in photojournalism today will, however, it is an advantage. I would suggest someone who tends to do both.

3 Do you like the photographer's personality?

Personality is very important. If you do not gel well with the photographer, then there can be problems when taking photos. Need a photographer who can take command from time to time, and step back behind the scenes as well. Also, the photographer funny? If they can not make you smile, and then all images will have noise.

4 What equipment do they have?

This is not a matter which brand they use. That's a question they have. Do they have professional grade equipment DLSR? Or they have a $ 600 camera? Correct camera equipment can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Everyone should have at least one back up camera. All photographers should have a back up battery, and back up flash drives. Photographers should have an external flash, if not more than once. They should have tripods and reflectors. The most important thing in his gear, and I said, most importantly, their lenses. a great photographer can produce great pictures with a decent lens on most consumer cameras. Add a professional camera and you get a better picture. Of course, if you like fish eye effects and other effects it will have those lenses as well. Most people forget about the computer. Many of the effects you see in the photographs are done on the computer. If they do not have a decent computer and computer software, then how are they going to offer you the best results? Also, ask whether you have a calibrated monitor, as that is an important issue when printing photos.

5 As a photographer offer?

If you do not offer anything other than CDs, they might not be your best bet. Make sure they offer the album, print photos, or other things that May be interested in. photographer who knows how to print will give you better pictures. It's plain and simple because the output is as important than just a cd image. Just because the picture does not mean the photos are properly calibrated.

6 What do they have experience?

Many people will suggest that the experience is one of the most important things. I tend to say that it is less important. I have 5 years experience photographing weddings, with years of film experience. When I got into wedding photography, digital is quite recent. Several years before the movie was the norm. Thus, a photographer with 20 years of experience is irrelevant. If a film photographer, the digital age is not understood well, then you May not want them to photograph your wedding. Also, I'm an advocate of new talent. There are a lot of photographers who are new and far better than many that are out there for years. Why? There are many trends in photography. If you are new to the scene, often times you are immersed in these trends. Some photographers stay with old trends and may not know about new styles, or even new equipment. down side is someone who is new is that they have a reputation for playing big picture. May they have great pictures, but they can still produce great images? This is something you will have to weigh the cost verses benefits. Most new photographers were assistant. You could always ask for references if you have concerns about the photographer.

7 What is education?

I often see people suggest that you ask about their education. It is flat out irrelevant. I have B.A. in the photo. I barely learned anything in school. Universities in America often do not learn hands-on experience. You May learn to take pictures at school, but it does help with personal skills, or even how to start a business. If a person has a degree can be useful, but that's it. He also goes with what the clubs are next. Most people recommend you to be part of a club or association. There are many benefits to it. Often, though you'll pay money to be part of it, but it is not a statement about quality. That is why it goes back to the importance of quality. Many of the best photographers do not have the level of god.

8 Price

Your investment in photography is very important. It is one thing that will last a lifetime. wedding day lasts only one day. Prices may vary from city to city. However, photographers are usually below $ 1000 only for them to appear not as great in quality. May they tell you that they are, but not side-by-side comparison and you'll see the difference. Who knows, though, you might get lucky. really high-priced photographer does not mean they are the best. Some people have higher overhead and therefore must charge more. When considering the price and still have to take into account quality. Also, often times when you are looking for photographers outside the major metropolitan areas the prices go down. So, you might be able to find bargains there. The downside is that they May not be as familiar with the places in your town. rule for determining the price may be the next involves only photographer to appear:

0 - $ 500 - still learning, helping, creating a portfolio (Craigslist)
$ 500 - $ 1000 - has some technical skills, but needs much improvement
$ 1000 - $ 1250 - has a lot of skill, experience and knowledge, but still can improve
$ 1250 - $ 3000 - Almost the best
$ 3,000 + - the elite photographers

Now, just because I said it does not mean that you can only choose the price range. trap by some photographers is that they think that if they charge more, customers will think they are better than everyone else. Unfortunately clients fall into this game and get a bad photographer.

8 Other concerns

There are many photographers that often take around 6-12 months for delivery of your photographs. It is way too long, and unnecessary. However, you do not want to prematurely. If they then rushed the image quality will be rushed as well. If the photographer is overloaded with too many weddings, then problems can arise. Mistakes can happen, and they can also ignore the pictures.

Also, the photographer does not offer online proofs? This can be a major benefit to you and allow you to view your photos before. Also, what makes their portfolio look like? How to present your portfolio will also affect the quality of their work. Do they have a great looking website? Believe it or not, the website itself is one of the greatest ways to check the quality of the photographer. photographer is not going to spend thousands of dollars on a web page, if they did not have at least some success.

Also be sure to sign the contract. It is for the safety of you and your photographer. Just be sure to read the fine print.

Copyrights are also important. Many charge extra money for the copyrights. See if you can arrange to get them, or expect that they will continue to return to your photo any time you want to photograph. Which in the long run could cost you more.

Also, if photographers dress appropriately? You do not want someone dressed in shorts and a red shirt walking around the church. It is very confusing, and I've seen it done.

Finally, do photographers charge extra for travel? Any additional costs may create a great tribute to the end.

There are many other things that might be asked, and here are some questions that I discovered over time. Finally, it is up to you to decide which you like best. Good luck.


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