Saturday, April 16, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Handy Cell Phones

modernization of our world and a great contribution to science and technology have brought a major impact on the lives of many individuals. Through the various achievements of science and technology, he gave the man a variety of options for improving their work, to make his task easier and more quickly. Indeed, newly developed technology has brought significant changes in our environment.

First, one must fight and find ways for him to live in this world. Woods, the direct heat of the sun, hunting techniques have made ​​our ancestors to live long in our world. But now, technology has made ​​man the way of life more convenient, hassle free and easy. It will probably be difficult for us to work without using computers. It will be difficult to build a house without modern equipment, cook food without a kitchen goods, transport of goods and services without motorized vehicles, to make transactions without the use of electronic machines and all will be in great doubt, if any, without phones and phones that are used to communicate to our loved ones and other people in distant places.

Maintaining constant communication with our business partners, our loved ones and for other people is very important because it helps in providing an understanding and thus provide a harmonious relationship between two people or more. Cell phones is one of the must have technology in today's very busy world. Every person you meet on the street or in public places, you'll notice that each of them holding a cell phone in your hand or typing text messages or calls.

This is very surprising how simple and small technology can help us to have daily communication or conversation with people in our lives. It gives us so many benefits, starting from reaching and communicating with other people in remote areas. As always, we noted the importance of this high end technology in our lives because it gives us the means to contact our dearest, especially when we are in crisis. If you're lost in the middle of nowhere or are involved in an accident, you can contact your family and other important persons who are listed in your mobile phone as simple as counting one two and three.

Other advantages of using mobile phones apart from communicating is you can listen to music, take pictures and record video. Permanent, mobile phones of different brands are developing new and added features, unique and stylish design. Even self-defense devices have been designed as the perfect cell phone stun gun.

Be careful with the use of cell phones, because although it also has its disadvantages, such as prolonged use of the device may lead to health risks from radiation that it brings. This can damage the ear and worse, your brain. Some people use their mobile units, while they were driving which in return causes an accident. There are various features of cell phones that are used in a wrong way, such as Bluetooth and camera feature. And most of all, cell phones can be very expensive, especially the latest models that have been popping on the market.

It is important to know yourself and limit the use of this device in order for you to protect yourself from the various health risks. Keeping them in a pouch will prevent you to easily get affected by radiation is that it brings. Same as how tazer holster protects the device against a sudden us. Be very wise to learn how to use any high-end technology in the safest manner.


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